3rd International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Technologies

19-21 June 2025 Dakar, SENEGAL
Market Overview

Briefly The Agricultural Sector in Senegal:

  • The main agricultural crops are peanuts and cotton—both being important sources of foreign exchange income—as well as millet, rice, corn,  sugarcane and livestock
  • Top agricultural imports in Senegal are rice, wheat, corn, onions, palm oil, sugar, and potatoes
  • Senegal has growing demand for tractors, farming equipment, expanded irrigation systems, post-harvest handling systems, storage, and silo facilities. 

Increased commodity output should also stimulate demand for processing technology or innovation and growth in the packaging industry.  There are plans for a cereal (import oriented) and fruit (export oriented) terminal and associated warehousing facilities in the Port of Dakar.