3rd International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Technologies

19-21 June 2025 Dakar, SENEGAL

Why Visit?
  • Find out about innovations in the sector
  • Study the state of the market and get new ideas
  • Make new contacts
  • Build on relations with existing customers
  • Get information in "live" conversation, which is not always available in other information sources
  • See a wide selection of goods in a short period of time
  • Choose and assess suppliers of new products/technology
  • Compare one product with another
  • Conclude deals
  • Become agents/distributors for famous producers
  • Acquire technical knowledge
  • Meet technical personnel and discuss ways to solve problems or upgrade
  • Discuss business issues in objective, business environment
  • Establish direct link between price and quality
  • Compile and add to an information database
  • Begin cooperation, alliances and joint enterprises
  • Be up-to-date with contemporary innovations and new technologies
  • Have access to different information services, essential in the search for investment and partners
Get to meet International companies from all around the World under the same roof and meet with decision-makers (company owners, directors, etc.)
Take a chance to sign a contract on favorable terms
Save money and time
Discover the latest trends and technologies in the industry
Opportunity to attract new business partners